Severe ME/CFS:
A Guide to Living
By Emily Collingridge
Price: £9.25 (Inc UK p&p)
Severe ME – Home
Welcome to the online home of “Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living” – the book providing help to patients with severe ME as well as the loved ones and professionals caring for them.
- Do you have severe ME?
- Are you caring for someone with severe ME?
- Perhaps you have a friend or relative with severe ME?
- Maybe you are a professional who has a patient with severe ME?
- Or do you just have an interest in severe ME?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you have come to the right place.
Severe ME
Severe ME is a devastating condition which affects tens of thousands of people in the UK and countless more around the world.
Many are bedridden and require constant care. They have a complex range of problems (often including loss of movement, speech and the ability to eat) as well as difficulties with basic day-to-day tasks such as washing and toileting and a huge number of extreme symptoms (such as pain, muscle problems, sensitivity to light, sound and touch, flu like malaise, gastrointestinal disturbance, cognitive dysfunction, sleep disturbance, dizziness and paralysis).
Patients, loved ones and professionals can be left feeling frightened and totally helpless in the face of such immense suffering. “Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living” can change that.
Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living – The Book
This comprehensive reference book was written by Emily Collingridge, a patient with over twelve years experience of severe ME, in consultation with over thirty patients, carers, friends, relatives and health professionals. Although originally published by the Association of Young People with ME (known as AYME) as well as containing advice for children and young people, the entire book is suitable for adults of all ages.
A4 in size, there are over 130 jam packed pages with guidance on every conceivable area of life with severe ME as well as specific help for carers, partners, siblings, parents, grandparents, friends, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dietitians, speech language therapists, psychologists, social workers and home tutors.
“The book every patient with severe ME has been looking for”
Vikki G, Patient
“An absolute ‘must-read’… it could literally change your life”
Chris B, Carer
“Immensely useful to patients and professionals alike”
Prof Tony Pinching, ME specialist.
“This book has the potential to be very important”
Prof Ingvar Bjarnason, Consultant Physician
Please have a look round this website to learn more about the book as well as how to order it, how to give feedback and how to help promote the book to those who could benefit.
Note to journalists and charities reporting on Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living: please feel free to quote from any text on this website (and if you have any questions please email or contact Action for M.E. on 0117 927 9551).